Sunday, August 16, 2009

Falling In Love

After two and a half years together I have come to the realization that all of the "new" relationship stuff is
mostly over. Suprisingly, I am fine with this. I never really liked having butterflies in my stomach anyways.
However, there are times when our "comfortable" relationship seems a little bit more magical than normal.
These moments I cherish.
Friday night Casey and I went out to eat with my family at a fish camp in Fort Mill, SC. After dinner
I had walked out with my family and Casey followed a few steps behind placing something in his pocket.
After getting into the car to head towards the Knight's Stadium, as I buckled my seat belt Casey tossed a
small plastic case into my lap holding a small silver ring inside. I opened the case and immediately placed it
on my hand. As we laughed about the small gesture of affection I began to realize that these small(some
people may say insignificent) moments together were going to be the little sparks in our relationship.
Casey and I are not high-matinance people. We enjoy cooking dinner together and fishing for hours in the evening.
Eventhough Casey thought this 25 cent ring was just a small laugh shared in the car; to me it meant that I could depend
on him to continue to find ways to show he cares.

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