Monday, June 27, 2011

One Year down.....

Broken Open

On our way home from the beach yesterday, I couldn’t help but stare out the window and think… think about the things that I should spend more time thinking about. Yesterday marked our one year wedding anniversary, that’s great! We made it a whole year without any big blow out fights and we found ourselves more in love with one another yesterday than the year before standing at the altar…but what does that mean for this coming year. Do we celebrate our marriage one day a year? Aren’t we supposed to work at this every day?

My goal last year as we said our vows was to be the best wife I could be that year. I wanted to learn from those around me. I wanted to learn how to be the woman that my husband needed me to be. I wanted to make a home that he would cherish. I wanted to create a sanctuary for us to come home to every night. Did I reach my goal? Sort of… I am definitely not the best wife, I make plenty of mistakes on a daily basis and I most certainly have not created the “cleanest” sanctuary in this house, but I feel that I have spent a lot of time this past year growing… as a person and as a wife.

A piece of scripture that has continually resurfaced in my mind as I have gone through this past year is Proverbs 27:15-16.

“A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping

of a leaky roof in a rainstorm;

restraining her is like restraining the wind

or grasping oil with the hand.”

Am I a quarrelsome wife? Have I ever been? Oh yes… too many times. Why do I let myself get to that point? Why do we let society influence our choices and decisions as wives? Do I really want to follow Kim Kardashion as a mentor on how to be the best wife? It’s so easy to get caught up in the news and gossip and before you know it that is how you are making your decisions or how you come up with your excuses. I started thinking, how did I come up with my husband’s expectations or the standards that I hold him to? It’s pretty insightful, when you stop and look at the way you’re thinking about things.

So, what are my goals for this year? I want to involve God in every aspect of our life. I want to create a sanctuary at home and a home at our church. I want to build up my husband every day and make sure that I do everything to keep from tearing him down. I want to grow as a Christian woman which in turn will help me grow as a Christian wife. I want to surround us with “elevating” people. I want to keep negative people from distracting me and my goals. I want to reflect on this coming year, next year this time and say, “Man, what an amazing transformation we’ve come through” and I want to give all the glory to God!

Last year was all about me; how I was as a wife; how I was doing as a newly married woman in a new home and new career. This year, it’s all about God in our marriage and how we can flourish because of that.

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