Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Remembering my leading lady....

It was a little over four years ago that my maternal grandmother went to be with the Lord.  She had been sick for several months and even though we felt it was too soon for her to leave us, at the same time, we knew it was perfect timing for her.  My grandmother, or "nanny" as I called her was my leading lady in life.  She was always the sunshine in my day and was one of the strongest women I know.  She had her priorities lined up perfectly.  God, family, friends and service.  She loved the Lord with everything she had and that was evident in her life.  I remember sitting in her funeral service listening to all the committees she was apart of, the movements she had started and all the people that she had lifted up in her life.  She gave her love and time to her local church and served like a God fearing woman strives for.  She was a devoted wife and loved her four children and many, many grand children.  When we were younger, it was all about Sunday dinners.  Almost every Sunday night we'd meet at nanny and papa's house for a big dinner.  Once a week, I would get to see my aunts, uncles and cousins.  We'd eat and hang out for hours each Sunday which meant more to me than I knew at the time.  To make it a point to take time out of each week and spend it with family like that, was something rare and I wish I had more of now.  When I think about it, it's like a hazy, old movie reel in my mind full of comfort food smells and bursts of laughter.  Oh, how I miss those days.  I give all the credit to my nanny.  She was the driving force in our family and it was always because of her that we came to the round table to thank God and enjoy moments with family.
Today is her birthday and today she would have been 82.  It's been four years and I can still see her smiling face in my mind.  Simply put, there is nothing like a grand parent and we need to remember this as our grand parents age and move on in life.  I consider it a blessing to have known my grandmother and an honor to call her my "nanny".  Here's to a great woman of God, a respectful wife, devoted mom and loving grandmother.  

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