Minister: (noun) A person
acting as the agent or instrument of another
(verb) to give
service, care, or aid
I have days now and then
when I question why I am where I am; especially with my job. Being a CNA isn’t hard and we usually perform
most of our tasks “behind the scenes.”
We care for a patient briefly and quietly and move on to the next
room. So there are times when I question
my importance and the impact that I am having on my unit and the patients that
I care for.
It’s easy to get busy and
wrapped up in the tactical procedures that must be done. At work I get stressed with phone calls and
spontaneous bed baths and errands around the hospital. I get overwhelmed feeling like I can’t keep
up; feeling like I am missing the mark.
of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful
stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, they should
do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do
so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised
through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
This week I got a tiny
glimpse at my “why.” I was at work,
finishing up a shift and one of my very sick patients mentioned walking down to
the café to pick out something for dinner. My immediate thought was, “I don’t
have time for this. Where are the
volunteers? Of course he waited until now to ask for this.” I knew this was wrong to think but I was
tired and trying to leave work on time.
In that moment, I chose the right thing.
It doesn’t happen too often, unfortunately but in that moment I chose to
put my to do list down and spend a few minutes with this young man. As he and I walked downstairs this quiet,
depressed young man began to talk and ask questions and even sported a slight
smile. He surveyed his dinner options
and picked out a Stromboli at the counter.
It was then while we waited for the
lady to package his choice that he turned to me, looked me in the eyes and
threw his arms around me. I asked him
several times, “what’s wrong, what’s wrong, are you sick, do we need to go
upstairs?” He answered with a whisper in my ear, “thank you for bringing me
down here.”
Let me tell you, it took
everything in me not to start balling like a baby right there at the pizza
counter. I had almost missed this! This one opportunity to walk with this young
man fighting for his life; a simple request led to a shift in my soul. I had made excuses and tried to pass off the “task”
and I had almost missed out on that hug and that moment when for one second he
smiled and found happiness in a late night Stromboli.
It was as if I could hear
God saying…. “Meagan, this is it. This
is why I have you here for this season.
I need you to minister to these kids, to take time to talk and walk and
hug.” So when my days are hectic and my
schedule is full I need to remember to take time and minister, love on and
share Jesus with the ones around me because those moments will matter so much
more than all the checks on my list.
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