Monday, January 9, 2017

Just Being Me

   I'm a lover of new beginnings. When I was younger I always loved the first day of school and especially getting a new agenda.  I'd grab my colored pens and stickers and go to town planning out my new year.  I still love doing this.  I love highlighting birthdays and holidays throughout the year, planning vacations and date nights.  I love making lists, especially resolutions, setting goals for the new month.  I struggle, though in the follow through.  I spend all this time planning and prepping for what's to come but then when it gets here I usually haven't followed through on my plans.   So this year I decided to do something a little different.  I still wanted to make my list of goals and plans but I wanted to focus more on what was in my heart not on what I thought should be on my list according to society.  I didn't want to list "lose 5 pounds" or "make Crew's baby book" because those will always be there and there will always be a short list of to dos.  
   This year I want to focus on what I really want.  What do I want in the new year?  What do I want to do with this year and how do I want to grow myself?  More than anything, I just want to be me.  When was the last time I truly focused on me and who God is calling me to be not what the world says I should be.  I want to spend time discovering who I am and who I am becoming.  I don't want to waste anymore time listening to who people tell me I am or focusing on my shortcomings.  I can listen to five minutes of the morning news and get an update of what a woman in today's society should be doing, what she should look like and how she should be spending her time and money.  
   I want 2017 to be the year that I stop looking at everyone else and striving for what they have and what they are doing with their time.  I don't want to measure my happiness and success based on those around me.  This isn't going to be an easy task though.  It's going to take time, quiet moments spent in reflection.  It's going to take prayer.  
   Last year when I came home from work after having our son, I had to find myself.  I had to deal with the loss of who I had been and figure out who I was now.  A mom, a home maker, unemployed.  According to today's standards, some would have said I was doing too little, I wasn't successful because I wasn't making big gestures or bringing in a big pay check.  I wasn't changing the world with my every day life and I had to realize that was ok.
   When I sit and really think about what makes me happy, what makes me feel accomplished when I lay my head down at night, what makes me feel whole, my list looks a bit different than what I have been listing the past few years.  I've been striving for the wrong things, looking for happiness in areas that aren't going to make me happy at all.  
   Studying the Bible, leading women's bible studies, leading in our church, learning to cook, writing children's books, taking pictures, painting furniture, running a marathon, making memories with our family, mentoring a younger generation, growing a garden, spending time on the water, having deep conversations sharing scriptures... these are things that truly make me happy.  The thought of spending this next year doing more of these things fills my soul.  By tuning out the world and listening to God's calling on my life right now in this season I can find greater joy than I have experienced in a long time.  
   Were not called to fit a mold or be the best at what the world says we should be.  I don't want to turn around at the end of life and be able to say "I was so good at being what everyone told me to be."  I want to be a "good and faithful servant" and be the woman, wife, husband and daughter that He says I am.  I can't achieve this by paying attention to the world's view of life so this year I am taking my eyes off of everyone else's paper and I am getting in my lane and running my race.

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